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jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Marathon Instinct Keeps Me Running...

Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running like a deer
Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running where the sorrow bless me
Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running like a moose

Marahon instinct keeps me running
Running to keep one chance open
Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running through the grinning shadows
Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running like a lynx

Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running cause I believe it
Marathon instinct keeps me running
Running through the bare emotion
Running with heart in motion
Marathon instinct keeps me running

I’m running, running, running, running

5 comentarios:

Te invito a que aportes tu opinión... Sólo te sugiero que no lo hagas como Anónimo... Gràcias...!!